Source code for isocor.tests.conftest

"""Configuration variables for the tests

Shared pre-defined parameters
The return value of fixture function will be available as a predefined
parameter for all test functions. The test's parameter name must be the same as
the fixture function's name.

import pytest
from decimal import Decimal as D
import numpy as np

[docs]@pytest.fixture def data_iso(): """Typical isotopic data object.""" return {"C": {"abundance": [0.7, 0.3], "mass": [D('12.0'), D('13.0033548378')]}, "H": {"abundance": [0.8, 0.2], "mass": [D('1.0078250321'), D('2.014101778')]}, "N": {"abundance": [0.9, 0.1], "mass": [D('14.0030740052'), D('15.0001088984')]}, "P": {"abundance": [1.], "mass": [D('30.97376151')]}, "O": {"abundance": [0.6, 0.3, 0.1], "mass": [D('15.9949146221'), D('16.9991315'), D('17.9991604')]}}
[docs]@pytest.fixture def usr_tolerance(): """Platform-dependent tolerance.""" return 10**4*np.finfo(float).eps