Source code for isocor.tests.test_correction_matrix_LowRes

"""Test low-resolution correction matrix when no isotopic species are resolved from the tracer isotopologues.

In this situation, the contribution of all elements and isotopes should be removed.
The low-resolution correction matrix calculated by IsoCor is compared to a theoretical
correction matrix (with algebraic equations provided in the code for manual check).

import numpy as np
import pytest
import isocor as hrcor

# Test the correction matrix by comparison with theoretical matrices expressed using explicit functions (here pXY represents natural
# abundance of isotope X of element Y), which can be easily verified. The exampels provided are simple enough for manual verification,
# yet they represent the many situations that can be encountered in the real world. Each situation is detailed in the field "comment".

# Test construction of the correction matrix at low resolution

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", [{"comment": "13C tracer, no derivative, no NA of the tracer element, no purity of the tracer element, tracer with 2 isotopes, correct for NA of 1 elements with 3 isotopes", "formula": "C2O2P10", "derivative_formula": "", "correct_NA_tracer": False, "expected_matrix": "[[p16O**2, 0.0, 0.0], [p17O*p16O*2, p16O**2, 0.0], [p17O*p17O+p18O*p16O*2, p17O*p16O*2, p16O**2]]", "tracer_purity": [0.0, 1.0]}, {"comment": "13C tracer, no derivative, no NA of the tracer element, no purity of the tracer element, tracer with 2 isotopes, correct for NA of 1 elements with 2 isotopes", "formula": "C2H2P10", "derivative_formula": "", "correct_NA_tracer": False, "expected_matrix": "[[p1H**2, 0.0, 0.0], [2*p1H*p2H, p1H**2, 0.0], [p2H**2, 2*p1H*p2H, p1H**2]]", "tracer_purity": [0.0, 1.0]}, {"comment": "13C tracer, no derivative, with NA of the tracer element, no purity of the tracer element, tracer with 2 isotopes, correct for NA of 1 elements with 2 isotopes", "formula": "C2H2P10", "derivative_formula": "", "correct_NA_tracer": True, "expected_matrix": "[[p1H**2*p12C**2, 0.0, 0.0], [2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2, p1H**2*p12C, 0.0], [p2H**2*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H*p2H*2+p1H**2*p13C**2, p12C*p1H*p2H*2+p1H**2*p13C, p1H**2]]", "tracer_purity": [0.0, 1.0]}, {"comment": "13C tracer, no derivative, no NA of the tracer element, no purity of the tracer element, tracer with 2 isotopes, correct for NA of 2 elements with 2 isotopes", "formula": "C2H2N2P10", "derivative_formula": "", "correct_NA_tracer": False, "expected_matrix": "[[p1H**2*p14N**2, 0.0, 0.0], [2*p1H*p2H*p14N**2+2*p14N*p15N*p1H**2, p1H**2*p14N**2, 0.0], [p2H**2*p14N**2+2*p14N*p15N*p1H*p2H*2+p1H**2*p15N**2, 2*p1H*p2H*p14N**2+2*p14N*p15N*p1H**2, p1H**2*p14N**2]]", "tracer_purity": [0.0, 1.0]}, {"comment": "13C tracer, no derivative, no NA of the tracer element, with purity of the tracer element, tracer with 2 isotopes, correct for NA of 1 elements with 2 isotopes", "formula": "C2H2P10", "derivative_formula": "", "correct_NA_tracer": False, "expected_matrix": "[[p1H**2, p1H**2*pur_12C, p1H**2*pur_12C*pur_12C], [2*p1H*p2H, p1H**2*pur_13C+2*p1H*p2H*pur_12C, p1H**2*pur_12C*pur_13C*2+2*p1H*p2H*pur_12C*pur_12C], [p2H**2, 2*p1H*p2H*pur_13C+p2H**2*pur_12C, p2H**2*pur_12C*pur_12C+p1H**2*pur_13C*pur_13C+p1H*p2H*2*pur_13C*pur_12C*2]]", "tracer_purity": [0.1, 0.9]}, {"comment": "13C tracer, with derivative, no NA of the tracer element, no purity of the tracer element, tracer with 2 isotopes, correct for NA of 1 elements with 2 isotopes", "formula": "C2H2P10", "derivative_formula": "C2", "correct_NA_tracer": False, "expected_matrix": "[[p1H**2*p12C**2, 0.0, 0.0], [2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2, p1H**2*p12C**2, 0.0], [p2H**2*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H*p2H*2+p1H**2*p13C**2, 2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2, p1H**2*p12C**2]]", "tracer_purity": [0.0, 1.0]}, {"comment": "13C tracer, with derivative, no NA of the tracer element, with purity of the tracer element, tracer with 2 isotopes, correct for NA of 1 elements with 2 isotopes", "formula": "C2H2P10", "derivative_formula": "C2", "correct_NA_tracer": False, "expected_matrix": "[[p1H**2*p12C**2, pur_12C*(p1H**2*p12C**2), p1H**2*p12C**2*pur_12C*pur_12C], [2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2 + 2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2, pur_13C*(p1H**2*p12C**2) + pur_12C*(2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2 + 2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2), pur_13C*(pur_12C*(p1H**2*p12C**2)) + pur_12C*(pur_13C*(p1H**2*p12C**2) + pur_12C*(2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2 + 2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2))], [p2H**2*p12C**2 + 2*p12C*p13C*p1H*p2H*2 + p1H**2*p13C**2, pur_13C*(2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2) + pur_12C*(p2H**2*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H*p2H*2+p1H**2*p13C**2), pur_12C*(pur_13C*(2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2) + pur_12C*(p2H**2*p12C**2+2*p12C*p13C*p1H*p2H*2+p1H**2*p13C**2)) + pur_13C*(pur_13C*(p1H**2*p12C**2) + pur_12C*(2*p1H*p2H*p12C**2 + 2*p12C*p13C*p1H**2))]]", "tracer_purity": [0.1, 0.9]}, {"comment": "13C tracer, with derivative, no NA of the tracer element, with purity of the tracer element, tracer with 2 isotopes, correct for NA of 1 elements with 2 isotopes", "formula": "C2", "derivative_formula": "", "correct_NA_tracer": False, "expected_matrix": "[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]", "tracer_purity": [0.0, 1.0]}]) def test_low_res_cor_matrix(data, data_iso, usr_tolerance): """Correction of low resolution MS data. Test simulates the correction of C2 compounds in a 13C-tracer experiment. """ metabolite = hrcor.LowResMetaboliteCorrector(data["formula"], '13C', data_isotopes=data_iso, correct_NA_tracer=data["correct_NA_tracer"], tracer_purity=data["tracer_purity"], derivative_formula=data["derivative_formula"]) correction_matrix = metabolite.compute_correction_matrix() # Test against expected matrix p1H = data_iso["H"]["abundance"][0] p2H = data_iso["H"]["abundance"][1] p12C = data_iso["C"]["abundance"][0] p13C = data_iso["C"]["abundance"][1] p14N = data_iso["N"]["abundance"][0] p15N = data_iso["N"]["abundance"][1] p16O = data_iso["O"]["abundance"][0] p17O = data_iso["O"]["abundance"][1] p18O = data_iso["O"]["abundance"][2] pur_12C = data["tracer_purity"][0] pur_13C = data["tracer_purity"][1] expected_matrix = eval(data["expected_matrix"]) np.testing.assert_allclose( correction_matrix, expected_matrix, rtol=usr_tolerance)